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Study Room Carlfriedrich Claus

Study Room Carlfriedrich Claus

Calrfriedrich Claus - Honorary Citizen of the City of Mountains and Adam Ries

Carlfriedrich Claus lived in the three small rooms of the rear building below the Annaberg Gloria Film Palace for over sixty years. It was here that he developed his unique visual and acoustic work, here that he corresponded with friends, artists, and scholars all over the world. The study room is meant to give visitors the opportunity to contemplate his complex work at the very place where it was created. In rotating exhibits, the artist's main works - such as the graphic portfolio "Aurora" - or rare papers from his private possessions are presented. A materials collection, correspondence, postcards, films, photos, etc., as well as an extensive literary library offer insight into the life and mind of the artist. The study room should be a "starting point" (Carlfriedrich Claus) for the execution of your own conceptual, linguistic, and visual art experiments - for being "present in the moment" (Carlfriedrich Claus).


Mailing Address
Study Room Carlfriedrich Claus
Buchholzer Straße 10
Johannisgasse 10
09456 Annaberg-Buchholz
phone number
0151 / 22582600
Business hours
11:00am - 4:00pm
For other opening Times ask please over the phone.
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